To all Fellow Historian

"Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is man’s original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress had been made, through disobedience and through rebellion."

Today's Political Cartoons

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The Cartoons on this site take a stab at everything and everyone in politics today, including main events such as the G20/G8 Summit, HST Controversy, Oil Spill Crisis and the Vancouver 2010 Olympics! The two main authors of the site includes Tim Dolighan and Graeme MacKay, they present a great gift in the art of subtle satire and have the power to sway personal opinions through their comical cartoons. Dolighan's cartoon on the cost of the G8 Summit suggests to the viewer Harper's government spent loads of  money, on mostly useless purchases. It makes for quite controversial discussion's, and legitimate questions such as, "Is this what my taxpayers money is spent on, glow sticks and bug spray?" Also, on this website an artist displays the issue of the large amount of money spent during the Vancouver 2010 games, and even a cartoon of our Vancouver mascots passing the torch to terrifying Sochi mascots. These cartoon artists cover virtually everything. I believe they create over statement, and controversial cartoon to get readers to actually think about the message behind the image, connect the dots, create their own opinions, and hopefully take action about the situation. Take for example, this image: 

The reader would look at this image, read into the situation of what Media Ownership is doing and how it's effecting Canada. From there, they would hopefully raise awareness, if they find it wrong, and take certain action such as writing a letter to their  MP. For these reasons, I find political cartoons a highly effective way of raising awareness of a topic and getting readers to think about the message the author is attempting to display. 

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